Create a spec script of a current show suitable for submission to literary agents, TV producers and/or network executives.
Think about it for a moment—the wannabe sitcom writer is attempting to write in the voice of a show that he/she/they did not create and where there isn’t a whole lotta wiggle room, meaning the characters are already established (the who); the nature of the storylines appropriate for the series is very specific (the what); and the location doesn’t matter so much (the where). It takes thinking and outlining and writing and rewriting and re-rewriting to create something that epitomizes both the author’s style and knowledge of the form.
Suggested Prerequisite:
SNL Sketch Packet
Cost: $325
Next Session begins Sunday, March 2nd at 3pm central.
Instructor: Kim “Howard” Johnson
Please be advised, tuition is non-refundable. If you cannot attend the class you registered for, we can roll your tuition to be used during another session as long as you contact 24 hours prior to the class beginning. If you reach out after that, we cannot roll your tuition.
Here’s how it shakes out week-to-week:
Class One:
Students choose a current half-hour show and create six pitches.
Class Two:
Students create two separate page-by-page outlines—one of an existing episode, one of their favorite pitch.
Class Three:
Students compile a classic sitcom outline for their favorite pitch.
Class Four:
Students begin the first half of their first draft.
Class Five:
Students finish the second half of their first draft.
Class Six:
Students receive their first set of notes.
Class Seven:
Based upon the notes they’ve received, students embark upon their second draft.
Class Eight:
Students participate in a one-on-one phone appointment with the instructor.